In the event of bank term loan repayment overnight or non-payment
interest on him he is not allowed to use this
line for three months. In case of late return of bank
credit or non-payment of interest on him he is not allowed to
participation in the following five tenders.
In times of crisis, the sharp decline in confidence in banks by the
population and massovoho withdrawal of deposits, the possible introduction of
mechanism for direct acceptance of deposits by the central bank. In order to
reducing the pressure on the banking system approach used in other
central banks in a short period [bank liquidity
of Ukraine: Scientific analyzes. Issue. 12 / VI Mishchenko,
AV Catfish and others. - Kyiv: Center for Research Bank, 2008. - 180 p.].
If necessary, the procedure for transfer of deposits in the central bank can
be used also in Ukraine, which would help reduce the demand for cash